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GlitterText Maker

Glitter system for PC Maker GlitterText


"GlitterText Maker PC" system for the glitter
zagruzit.com Editor: Created on demand, Glitter Text Maker without third-party software that allows text to establish a bright glitter system is. Glitter Text Maker, Windows PC, you can use any proportional TTF font, and your Web site quickly and effortlessly beautiful bright text to convert. An excellent addition to your copy of glitterizer, this product will complement your glitter needs.

Type the text, background and foreground colors, font and font size to set. Second interface options you can set the switch glitter.

Select the text or background with your mouse, select the mask preview color and glitter module. Name your output file just the way you want it and then create a Glitter Text.

Safe Bet!

Your web site or for distribution to create custom glitters Glitter Text Maker him a safe bet to use a simple wizard interface driven 1 2 3's. Your site, or for public consumption to create libraries Glitter Text Create Text Art. Either way, click on the button will be pumping them out easily. Enough for you, and if 96 Glitter Modules, we can create your own with the optional GL4 Maker is. Now you can free download GlitterText Maker 1.0.

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